Advance Your Career Faster and Find Your Leadership Voice
Elevate your executive presence and confidently deliver your leadership stories. Join hundreds of Fortune 500 professionals getting hired and promoted faster through the art of storytelling.
Leadership storytelling is the art of communicating your life-defining moments to connect with your audience, influence their behavior, and inspire a desired action.
It's telling a story with purpose, intention, and conviction.
"If I don't know your life story, I don't know who you are as a leader."
- Noel M Tichy
Why Should You Care?
Grow as a Leader
Get Hired Faster
Speak Confidently
Companies are always desperate for effective leaders and communicators. Leadership storytelling is your hidden superpower to accelerate your career growth. If you can master telling your story, you can achieve anything in your professional life.
Everyone Has a Story. Few Know How to Tell it...Everyone Has a Story. Few Know How to Tell it...
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Amazing leaders tell amazing stories.
However, most professionals struggle to create and deliver compelling stories that touch people's hearts and minds.
That's where I come in...
Meet David Ghodsizadeh
Hello to the next generation of storytellers! For over a decade, I've helped career-driven professionals master the art of leadership storytelling.
Communication, once my biggest challenge as a kid, is now my greatest asset thanks to the power of storytelling. It's the reason I go from being an entry-level marketer to an executive leader in less than 10 years.
My mission? To help you discover your authentic leadership voice and communicate it through engaging, meaningful storytelling.
Going through this journey together, you will learn four key elements to transform your storytelling.
✔️ Leadership Presence: Develop authenticity, focus, and empathy in how you show up.
✔️ Content: Identify your most impactful experiences and craft clear messages.
✔️ Structure: Learn to build stories with a compelling beginning, middle, and end.
✔️ Delivery: Master the art of engaging your audience through words, voice, and body language.
Ways to Learn and Apply Storytelling Skills
David offers multiple ways to develop storytelling skills, whether you learn better through personal coaching, an individual learning track, or a group setting.