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Want to Master Storytelling? Start With Content

David Ghodsizadeh

Note: This is the first in a series of 3 blogs exploring the essential ingredients needed for impactful leadership stories.

Early in my storytelling journey, I realize something isn’t quite right. I have moments where my stories captivate the room, but other times, I watch as my audience’s attention fades away. It is discouraging to pour my heart into a story, only see people’s eyes glaze over.

Looking back, I know exactly why this happens. Content.

Keep reading to learn about the role content plays in your storytelling.

Want to master storytelling? Start with content

What Exactly is Storytelling Content?

Think of it as the heartbeat of your narrative. The “material” you’re communicating to the audience. The defining moments in your life ‒ the ups and downs, the lessons learned, and the experiences that have shaped who you are today.

In leadership storytelling, content is your secret sauce. And 99% of the time it is unique to you. It's what gives your story meaning and makes it resonate with your audience. Without compelling content, your story might sound polished, but it won't leave a meaningful impact.

I love telling the story about learning to play the saxophone in 4th grade. This experience is life changing because I have small fingers, and it’s hard to play a large instrument with small fingers! After months of promising my mom that I’ll practice every day and won’t give up, she agrees to buy it. I keep my word and eventually join concert and jazz bands during middle and high school.

This is a relatable story that teaches the power of perseverance and inspires others to believe in themselves despite facing obstacles. However, if I were to pick an experience that doesn’t have real conflict then it would be difficult to connect to the audience at an emotional level.


The Role of Content in Leadership Storytelling

Leadership storytelling is one of the most influential skills you can use in the workplace. It isn't just about sharing any random moment. It's about selecting the right stories – the ones that inspire, influence, and build trust. This is where content plays a crucial role.

Unforgettable storytelling content comes from moments of vulnerability, resilience, or growth. Think about the challenges you've overcome and how you've emerged stronger. These are the stories that reveal your true character and connect with your audience on a deeper level.


The Dangers of Weak Story Content

We've all sat through presentations that were technically flawless but left us feeling uninspired. That’s what happens when a story lacks strong content. No matter how perfect the delivery or structure, a story without substance falls flat. It leaves the audience scratching their heads, wondering, “What’s your point?”

Weak content can even come across as insincere, especially if  it doesn't dive deep enough to evoke strong emotions of fear, joy, or grief. And when your story fails to connect, it misses a crucial opportunity. For leaders, this means not building trust with teammates, changing peoples' minds, or driving transformational change.


Crafting Compelling Storytelling Content

Developing impactful storytelling content requires self-reflection and lots of practice. Here are a few tips to get you started:

  • Reflect on Your Defining Moments: Document the experiences that have shaped who you are today. These can be personal or professional events, but make sure there is real meaning.

  • Ask Deep Questions: What lessons did you learn from this experience? How can I share this story in a way that resonates with others?

  • Embrace Vulnerability: Don't shy away from sharing your struggles and failures. These moments make you human and relatable, fostering deeper connections with your audience.

  • Create a "Story Rolodex": Keep a running list of potential stories. Over time, you'll build a valuable library of topical narratives for different situations and audiences.


Great Storytelling Content in Action

Without getting into specifics, I started working with a software engineer who struggles to connect with non-technical audiences. He relies heavily on data and facts, but his presentations lack real impact. Through our sessions, we began outlining a deeply personal story about his resilience in the face of a major personal challenge (health related). By weaving in specific details and real emotions into a 90-second story, he transformed his presentations from a summary of dry facts into compelling narratives that resonate with his colleagues. Many of them have been so impressed by his talks that they congratulated him afterwards.


Start Building Your Story Content Today

Are you ready to transform into an influential storyteller? The first step is to master your content. Reflect on your defining moments, embrace your vulnerable side, and commit to sharing your authentic self. In the next blog post, I’ll explore how to structure your storytelling content for maximum impact.


David Ghodsizadeh is the founder of Storytelling 4 Success, a business that teaches people how to connect, lead, and inspire in the workplace through leadership storytelling. Everyone has a story to tell. Do you know how to tell yours?


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